Friday, August 18, 2006

this post is about hair:

Welp... I got myself a haircut. I was trying to grow it out, but it was in that un-cute phase and I just couldn't handle it anymore.
This was quite a bit shorter than I wanted, but it's not too bad, and it will grow back again (in like twelve years...)
What do you think?

P.S. You have to say something nice, because I can't put it back now...
Also, I hate using a comb, in case you couldn't tell...


Paulos said...

Not sure, too tell you the truth unless there are two pictures posted side by side it is hard to tell. Also I'm a boy we are not very observant.

Jenn Sanders said...

I can't remember if I mentioned it last night or not, but it's really cute!

Unknown said...

i like it as long as it is still piggy tail-able.