Friday, August 11, 2006

ohh, life.

Well I'm having a hard time thinking of anything to say. I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately. That's because ever since my brother was in the hospital I've had a lot going on I couldn't talk about with most people. So I bought a real (as in paper) journal and I've been writing in that. Although... I will admit, I think journaling is pretty pointless. Why waste the time writing things down that I can think (very quickly) and solve inside my own head?
Blogging to me serves a purpose, because I know whatever I write in here has the potential to be seen by other people. So it can be a mode of expression, like a half step between a conversation and a stream of conciousness. But of course it is pretty guarded. I wouldn't just write anything in my blog.
So the thoughts I wouldn't write in here, I wouldn't write because they are personal; I don't want people to know. If that is the case why write them in a journal at all? Why not just think them? Isn't that a better use of time and energy?
I don't know. If there are any fans of journaling out there, please let me know what the purpose is. I honestly don't understand. I believe that it's probably a good exercise, but I can't imagine why, and it's hard to motivate myself to do it if it doesn't serve a purpose...

Oh. ALSO. Here are some pictures of my birthday. Three to be exact. I didn't bring a camera so these are the only three that I have. I would probably post more if I had more cause everybody looked so cute and happy. Plus the desserts looked even more amazing than we did. So anyway:

Sarah and Jade and Kristin...
Becky and Brianna and Me... (it's black and white so the fact that I'm actually white looks less startling)

Here I am modeling a piece of cake. The fact that this particular piece of cake looks like it is the same size as my head is not a trick of the camera. It really was massive. Kristin and I split this bad boy and still couldn't finish it.

Anyway those are my pictures of this week's festivities... I also have pictures from the beach, but I haven't uploaded them yet.
The End.


Anonymous said...

I can't usually find closure or finish a thought process in my head. If I write it all down then I feel a lot better about it, have more peace about it. I don't know why, and I don't know if that's true for everyone, but that's why I journal.

Jenn Sanders said...

I am huge journaler. For me - I am a verbal processor. It's good for me to get things out of my head. Plus, if I really want to let go of some stress or something I have been mulling over for a long time, then once I journal it, I know I can come back to it later. It's out and I don't have to stress as much. Also, I notice that I am a very random thinker and other thoughts intrude currents and such... with that, I don't feel like I get a lot accomplished. Journaling helps me slow down enough to organize my thoughts. Some times I use mine as a prayer journal, and I am literally writing out my prayers. Other times I am just writing to get crap out.

Anonymous said...

hi. my name is paul ramey and i'm a journal-aholic.
there are a bunch of reasons why, but a few of the main ones are:

- it lets you process things. it's hardly a waste of time when you're able to process through the things you're thinking about. some of us are verbal processors and yet the stuff we need to process would be very bad to process verbally. so we still process, just to a journal.

- it cuts down stress. why? stress, for me at least, is caused by not being able to outsource things. there are so many things that are flying around in my mind...things that i need to remember, things that i need to process, stuff like that. for me, when i outsource that stuff - get it out of my head - it cuts down my stress level in a huge way.

- another big reason why i journal is for the legacy that i will one day leave to my kids. i know that sounds weird, but it's true. some day when i'm dead and gone, i want my boys to read about my life. some of that stuff i'm not too proud of. but even THAT stuff will help them understand my humanity...that i was a man and i struggled with stuff the same way they struggle with stuff. i think it will help them understand me more and understand life more. it will also help them see what my heart was truly about. in the same way that you can understand a whole lot about a person from their checkbook, i believe you can understand a ton about someone by their journal. and i know my kids will. as i journal that helps me steer my thoughts to what the right thing is. it's actually a motivation.

anyway, that's me. there are other reasons, but those are some of the main ones. everytime i see you, Ciara, you seem like you're thinking something through. get it out, or you're going to blow up! :)