Thursday, September 14, 2006

my friend terry

The way I know that Terry is my friend is that today I texted him and he texted me back. (If you know Terry, you know that is a big deal, because he hates texting.)
So my question now is, if I text him every once in a while, can I expect a response, or is it strictly a one time thing?

Also, we went to hear Jim Wallis speak tonight. It was interesting but a little disappointing. I was expecting it to be more of a "mobilizing on social issues" kind of talk and it was more advertising than anything else. They are hosting some training day on Saturday and I think the mobilizing will go on then, but it is a bummer to me that we didn't talk more about the important issues tonight.
I actually haven't read God's Politics, so I think that was part of the problem, because there was really no explanation in his speech. It was made along with the assumption that people knew what he was talking about. I wish I had, because that probably would have made it easier to listen.
I do, however, feel convicted about not yet being registered to vote. I know that I need to do that, and have been putting it off for over a year now. I will probably register libertarian when I get around to it.
I'm putting that on my list of things to do this next week.


Anonymous said...

You are not alone, my roomie needs to register to vote also.

Ashby said...

Okay, kid. I love you, you know that. I love you a lot. But you have about a month before I, uh...quit loving you. Yeah, that's it.

Adding to the list:
finding the vis grace fliers : )

Dave Ketah said...

I felt the same way about the Wallis talk, it was pretty short on substance.

Yeah, you need to register to vote, and you should register Libertarian. Even if you don't vote that way, it sends a message every time somebody doesn't register with the parties of the MAN!

Ashby said...

...there is a progressive argument floating around that you can choose for yourself how to register. : )

(not IF, but HOW.)

Dave Ketah said...

buzzword: progressive

Unknown said...

i am a libertarian also, it seems the most "american" (whatever that means) of all parties. and plus, #@%$* the donkeys and the elephants!

PS that really was my first text ever. i dont have that service so it cost me $0.10 to send that to you

PPS why isnt donkeys spelled donkies?

Anonymous said...

So um, please vote though there are lots of countries that the average joe doesn't get to say anything and there sure have been alot of people in the past that laid it all on the line so that we could just go to the DMV when we renew our licence and register to vote as easily and renewing your permit.